Torchlight Wiki
T2 Classes & Skills

Berserker (Skills)
Embermage (Skills)
Engineer (Skills)
Outlander (Skills)

Spells are special scrolls in Torchlight II that any character can pick up and learn, regardless of class. They should not be confused with skills, which are class-specific.

In Torchlight II, spells also include tomes that grant passive bonuses, many of which are similar to the shared passives from the first game.

Players will have access to a spell vendor in Act II after finishing the quest Shadow of the Skara. Prior to that, spells can only be acquired through loot.


The player has four active slots for spells. Spells can be unlearned by clicking the "Remove Spell" button. The removed spell is permanently lost.


In T2, pets also have four active spell slots. Note that the cooldown period for active spells are often longer when used by pets. Although you have no control over when your pet will cast a spell, you can temporarily prevent it from casting spells by setting your pet to passive mode.

Tomes equipped on a pet convey their passive benefits to the pet only; apparently passives like increased magic item find are not relayed back to the player.

List of spells[]

Icons Spell Description Effects Mana Cost Required
Spell dervish Dervish I The caster whirls into action with rapidly accelerated attacks and casts for 10 seconds.
Cooldown: 1 minute
+30% Attack Speed
+30% Cast Speed
28 1
Spell dervish Dervish II The caster whirls into action with rapidly accelerated attacks and casts for 12 seconds.
Cooldown: 1 minute
+30% Attack Speed
+30% Cast Speed
46 16
Spell dervish Dervish III The caster whirls into action with rapidly accelerated attacks and casts for 14 seconds.
Cooldown: 1 minute
+30% Attack Speed
+30% Cast Speed
63 31
Spell dervish Dervish IV The caster whirls into action with rapidly accelerated attacks and casts for 16 seconds.
Cooldown: 1 minute
+30% Attack Speed
+30% Cast Speed
81 46
Spell dervish Dervish V The caster whirls into action with rapidly accelerated attacks and casts for 18 seconds.
Cooldown: 1 minute
+30% Attack Speed
+30% Cast Speed
97 60
Spell dervish Dervish VI The caster whirls into action with rapidly accelerated attacks and casts for 20 seconds.
Cooldown: 1 minute
+30% Attack Speed
+30% Cast Speed
116 76
Spell drainingTouch Draining Touch I The caster draws life from any foes struck for the duration of the spell. (15 second duration)
Cooldown: 30 seconds
5 Health stolen on hit 13 1
Spell drainingTouch Draining Touch II The caster draws life from any foes struck for the duration of the spell. (15 second duration)
Cooldown: 30 seconds
11 Health stolen on hit 21 16
Spell drainingTouch Draining Touch III The caster draws life from any foes struck for the duration of the spell. (15 second duration)
Cooldown: 30 seconds
16 Health stolen on hit 29 31
Spell drainingTouch Draining Touch IV The caster draws life from any foes struck for the duration of the spell. (15 second duration)
Cooldown: 30 seconds
22 Health stolen on hit 37 46
Spell drainingTouch Draining Touch V The caster draws life from any foes struck for the duration of the spell. (15 second duration)
Cooldown: 30 seconds
27 Health stolen on hit 44 60
Spell drainingTouch Draining Touch VI The caster draws life from any foes struck for the duration of the spell. (15 second duration)
Cooldown: 30 seconds
33 Health stolen on hit 53 76
Spell elementalOverload Elemental Overload I The caster is imbued with increased elemental damage strength
Cooldown: 12 seconds
+25% to Electrical Damage for 6 seconds
+25% to Fire Damage for 6 seconds
+25% to Ice Damage for 6 seconds
+25% to Poison Damage for 6 seconds
8 1
Spell elementalOverload Elemental Overload II The caster is imbued with increased elemental damage strength
Cooldown: 16 seconds
+25% to Electrical Damage for 8 seconds
+25% to Fire Damage for 8 seconds
+25% to Ice Damage for 8 seconds
+25% to Poison Damage for 8 seconds
21 16
Spell elementalOverload Elemental Overload III The caster is imbued with increased elemental damage strength
Cooldown: 20 seconds
+25% to Electrical Damage for 10 seconds
+25% to Fire Damage for 10 seconds
+25% to Ice Damage for 10 seconds
+25% to Poison Damage for 10 seconds
Spell elementalOverload Elemental Overload IV The caster is imbued with increased elemental damage strength
Cooldown: 24 seconds
+25% to Electrical Damage for 12 seconds
+25% to Fire Damage for 12 seconds
+25% to Ice Damage for 12 seconds
+25% to Poison Damage for 12 seconds
37 46
Spell elementalOverload Elemental Overload V The caster is imbued with increased elemental damage strength
Cooldown: 30 seconds
+25% to Electrical Damage for 14 seconds
+25% to Fire Damage for 14 seconds
+25% to Ice Damage for 14 seconds
+25% to Poison Damage for 14 seconds
44 60
Spell elementalOverload Elemental Overload VI The caster is imbued with increased elemental damage strength
Cooldown: 32 seconds
+25% to Electrical Damage for 16 seconds
+25% to Fire Damage for 16 seconds
+25% to Ice Damage for 16 seconds
+25% to Poison Damage for 16 seconds
53 76
Spell elementalProtection Elemental Protection I The caster is buffered by increased elemental resistance.
Cooldown: 1 minute
+7 Electric Armor for 1 minute
+7 Fire Armor for 1 minute
+7 Ice Armor for 1 minute
+7 Poison Armor for 1 minute
13 1
Spell elementalProtection Elemental Protection II The caster is buffered by increased elemental resistance.
Cooldown: 1 minute
+19 Electric Armor for 1 minute
+19 Fire Armor for 1 minute
+19 Ice Armor for 1 minute
+19 Poison Armor for 1 minute
21 16
Spell elementalProtection Elemental Protection III The caster is buffered by increased elemental resistance.
Cooldown: 1 minute
+33 Electric Armor for 1 minute
+33 Fire Armor for 1 minute
+33 Ice Armor for 1 minute
+33 Poison Armor for 1 minute
29 31
Spell elementalProtection Elemental Protection IV The caster is buffered by increased elemental resistance.
Cooldown: 1 minute
+48 Electric Armor for 1 minute
+48 Fire Armor for 1 minute
+48 Ice Armor for 1 minute
+48 Poison Armor for 1 minute
37 46
Spell elementalProtection Elemental Protection V The caster is buffered by increased elemental resistance.
Cooldown: 1 minute
+64 Electric Armor for 1 minute
+64 Fire Armor for 1 minute
+64 Ice Armor for 1 minute
+64 Poison Armor for 1 minute
44 60
Spell elementalProtection Elemental Protection VI The caster is buffered by increased elemental resistance.
Cooldown: 1 minute
+81 Electric Armor for 1 minute
+81 Fire Armor for 1 minute
+81 Ice Armor for 1 minute
+81 Poison Armor for 1 minute
53 76
Spell fireball Fireball I Launches a slow-moving, explosive ball of flame from the caster's hand.
Cooldown: 7 seconds
56-93 Fire Damage 13 1
Spell fireball Fireball II Launches a slow-moving, explosive ball of flame from the caster's hand.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
216-360 Fire Damage
21 16
Spell fireball Fireball III Launches a slow-moving, explosive ball of flame from the caster's hand.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
496-827 Fire Damage 29 31
Spell fireball Fireball IV Launches a slow-moving, explosive ball of flame from the caster's hand.
Cooldown: 7 seconds
933-1555 Fire Damage
37 46
Spell fireball Fireball V Launches a slow-moving, explosive ball of flame from the caster's hand.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
1519-2531 Fire Damage 44 60
Spell fireball Fireball VI Launches a slow-moving, explosive ball of flame from the caster's hand.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
2445-4075 Fire Damage 53 76
Spell fireball Roller I Launches rolling wheel of fire.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
102-130 Fire Damage 28 1
Spell fireball Roller II Launches fast rolling wheel of fire.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
396-504 Fire Damage 46 16
Spell fireball Roller III Launches a pair of fire wheels.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
910-1158 Fire Damage 63 31
Spell fireball Roller IV Launches a pair of fast fire wheels.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
1711-2177 Fire Damage 81 46
Spell fireball Roller V Launches a trio of fire wheels.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
2784-3543 Fire Damage 97 60
Spell fireball Roller VI Launches a trio of fast fire wheels.
Cooldown: 5 seconds
4483-5705 Fire Damage 116 76
Spell frost Frost I Fires three frost missiles that freeze all enemies within their 3m blast radius.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
36-102 Ice Damage over 6 seconds
100% chance to Freeze for 6 seconds
28 1
Spell frost Frost II Fires three frost missiles that freeze all enemies within their 3m blast radius.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
329-973 Ice Damage over 7 seconds
100% chance to Freeze for 7 seconds
46 16
Spell frost Frost III Fires three frost missiles that freeze all enemies within their 3m blast radius.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
1304-3896 Ice Damage over 8 seconds
100% chance to Freeze for 8 seconds
63 31
Spell frost Frost IV Fires three frost missiles that freeze all enemies within their 3m blast radius.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
3690-11061 Ice Damage over 9 seconds
100% chance to freeze for 9 seconds.
81 46
Spell frost Frost V Fires three frost missiles that freeze all enemies within their 3m blast radius.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
8270-24790 Ice Damage over 10 seconds
100% chance to Freeze for 10 seconds
97 60
Spell frost Frost VI Fires three frost missiles that freeze all enemies within their 3m blast radius.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
17864-53592 Ice Damage over 11 seconds
100% chance to Freeze for 11 seconds
116 76
Spell haste Haste I
Cooldown: 12 seconds
+2% Attack Speed
8% faster movement speed
18 1
Spell haste Haste II
Cooldown: 12 seconds
+3% Attack Speed for 12 seconds
12% faster movement speed for 12 seconds
29 16
Spell haste Haste III Cooldown: 12 seconds +4% Attack Speed
16% faster movement speed
Spell haste Haste IV Cooldown: 12 seconds +5% Attack Speed
20% faster movement speed
52 46
Spell haste Haste V Cooldown: 12 seconds +6% Attack Speed
24% faster movement speed
62 60
Spell haste Haste VI Cooldown: 12 seconds +7% Attack Speed
28% faster movement speed
74 76
Spell healAll Heal All I Heals the caster and all allies.
Cooldown: 30 seconds
308 Health recovery over 4 seconds 28 1
Spell healAll Heal All II Heals the caster and all allies.
Cooldown: 30 seconds
692 Health recovery over 4 seconds 46 16
Spell healAll Heal All III Heals the caster and all allies.
Cooldown: 30 seconds
1076 Health recovery over 4 seconds 63 31
Spell healAll Heal All IV Heals the caster and all allies.
Cooldown: 30 seconds
1460 Health recovery over 4 seconds 81 46
Spell healAll Heal All V Heals the caster and all allies.
Cooldown: 30 seconds
1818 Health recovery over 4 seconds 97 60
Spell healAll Heal All VI Heals the caster and all allies.
Cooldown: 30 seconds
2228 Health recovery over 4 seconds 116 76
Spell selfheal Heal Self I Heals the Caster
Cooldown: 30 seconds
308 Health recovery over 4 seconds 13 1
Spell selfheal Heal Self II Heals the Caster
Cooldown: 30 seconds
692 Health recovery over 4 seconds 21 16
Spell selfheal Heal Self III Heals the Caster
Cooldown: 30 seconds
1076 Health recovery over 4 seconds 29 31
Spell selfheal Heal Self IV Heals the Caster
Cooldown: 30 seconds
1460 Health recovery over 4 seconds 37 46
Spell selfheal Heal Self V Heals the Caster
Cooldown: 30 seconds
1818 Health recovery over 4 seconds 44 60
Spell selfheal Heal Self VI Heals the Caster
Cooldown: 30 seconds
2228 Health recovery over 4 seconds 53 76
File:Spell repel.jpg Repel Nearby foes are pushed away by a powerful gust of wind.
Cooldown: 3 seconds
+30 Knockback 7 3
Spell retribution Retribution I The caster is possessed with a vengeful spirit, which automatically strikes back at attackers. Lasts for 12 seconds.
Cooldown: 32 seconds
+10% damage reflected back on attacker 8 1
Spell retribution Retribution II The caster is possessed with a vengeful spirit, which automatically strikes back at attackers. Lasts for 16 seconds.
Cooldown: 32 seconds
+14% damage reflected back on attacker 8 16
Spell retribution Retribution III The caster is possessed with a vengeful spirit, which automatically strikes back at attackers. Lasts for 20 seconds.
Cooldown: 32 seconds
+18% damage reflected back on attacker 31
Spell retribution Retribution IV The caster is possessed with a vengeful spirit, which automatically strikes back at attackers. Lasts for 24 seconds.
Cooldown: 32 seconds
+22% damage reflected back on attacker 46
Spell retribution Retribution V The caster is possessed with a vengeful spirit, which automatically strikes back at attackers. Lasts for 28 seconds.
Cooldown: 32 seconds
+26% damage reflected back on attacker 60
Spell retribution Retribution VI The caster is possessed with a vengeful spirit, which automatically strikes back at attackers. Lasts for 32 seconds.
Cooldown: 32 seconds
+30% damage reflected back on attacker 8 76
T2 - Rumble Spell Icon Rumble A pulse of energy expands outwards, shattering delicate objects in the vicinity.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
0 1
Spell silence Silence I Silences enemies within 4 meters, preventing them from using most skills. Silences for 6 seconds 1
Spell silence Silence II Silences enemies within 5 meters, preventing them from using most skills.
  • Cooldown: 10 seconds
Silences for 7 seconds 21 16
Spell silence Silence III Silences enemies within 8 meters, preventing them from using most skills.
  • Player Cooldown: 10 seconds
  • Pet Cooldown: 30 seconds
Silences for 8 seconds 31
Spell silence Silence IV Silences enemies within 8 meters, preventing them from using most skills. Silences for 9 seconds 46
Spell silence Silence V Silences enemies within 8 meters, preventing them from using most skills. Silences for 10 seconds 60
Spell silence Silence VI Silences enemies within 8 meters, preventing them from using most skills. Silences for 11 seconds 53 76
Spell summonarchers Summon Archers I Summons a pack of 3 non-moving Skeletal Archers to attack your foes.
Cooldown: 30 seconds (60 seconds for pets)
16 seconds summon duration 28 1
Spell summonarchers Summon Archers II Summons a pack of 4 non-moving Skeletal Archers to attack your foes.
Cooldown: 30 seconds (60 seconds for pets)
17 seconds summon duration
+16% to physical damage
46 16
Spell summonarchers Summon Archers III Summons a pack of 5 non-moving Skeletal Archers to attack your foes.
Cooldown: 30 seconds (60 seconds for pets)
19 seconds summon duration
+24% to physical damage
63 31
Spell summonarchers Summon Archers IV Summons a pack of 6 non-moving Skeletal Archers to attack your foes.
Cooldown: 30 seconds (60 seconds for pets)
20 seconds summon duration
+32% to physical damage
81 46
Spell summonarchers Summon Archers V Summons a pack of 7 non-moving Skeletal Archers to attack your foes.
Cooldown: 30 seconds (60 seconds for pets)
21 seconds summon duration
+40% to physical damage
97 60
Spell summonarchers Summon Archers VI Summons a pack of 8 non-moving Skeletal Archers to attack your foes.
Cooldown: 30 seconds (60 seconds for pets)
22 seconds summon duration
+48% to physical damage
116 76
Spell bee swarm Bee Swarm Send a cloud of angry bees at your enemies. Monsters who come to near your targets will incur the wrath of the swarm!
Cooldown: 15 seconds (30 seconds for pets)
40% chance that target Flees for 1 second
30-60 Physical Damage over 10 seconds
15 13
Spell bloodZombie Summon Blood Zombie Summons a fearsome Blood Zombie.
Cooldown: 1 minute (120 seconds for pets)
35 seconds summon duration
Causes enemies to bleed
28 1
Spell summonSkeleton Summon Skeleton I Summons a Skeletal Warrior to attack your foes.
Cooldown: 8 seconds (60 seconds for pets)
35 seconds summon duration
13 1
Spell summonSkeleton Summon Skeleton II Summons an improved Skeletal Warrior to attack your foes.
Cooldown: 8 seconds (60 seconds for pets)
37 seconds summon duration
+20% to physical damage
21 16
Spell summonSkeleton Summon Skeleton III Summons an improved Skeletal Warrior to attack your foes.
Cooldown: 8 seconds (60 seconds for pets)
45 seconds summon duration
+30% to physical damage
29 31
Spell summonSkeleton Summon Skeleton IV Summons an improved Skeletal Warrior to attack your foes.
Cooldown: 8 seconds (60 seconds for pets)
50 seconds summon duration
+40% to physical damage
37 46
Spell summonSkeleton Summon Skeleton V Summons an improved Skeletal Warrior to attack your foes.
Cooldown: 8 seconds (60 seconds for pets)
55 seconds summon duration
+50% to physical damage
44 60
Spell summonSkeleton Summon Skeleton VI Summons an improved Skeletal Warrior to attack your foes.
Cooldown: 8 seconds (60 seconds for pets)
1 minute summon duration
+60% to physical damage
53 76
Spell netherImp Summon Nether Imp I Summons a Nether Imp to attack your foes.
Cooldown: 45 seconds
30 seconds summon duration 13 5
Spell netherImp Summon Nether Imp II Summons a Nether Imp to attack your foes. Stronger than Nether Imp I and has a chance to silence foes.
Cooldown: 45 seconds
30 seconds summon duration 25 25
Spell netherImp Summon Nether Imp III Summons a Nether Imp to attack your foes. Stronger than Nether Imp II and has a higher chance to silence foes.
Cooldown: 45 seconds
30 seconds summon duration 37 40
Spell netherImp Summon Nether Imp IV Summons a Nether Imp to attack your foes. Stronger than Nether Imp III and has a higher chance to silence foes.
Cooldown: 45 seconds
30 seconds summon duration 49 60
Spell netherImp Summon Nether Imp V Summons a Nether Imp to attack your foes. Stronger than Nether Imp IV and has a higher chance to silence foes.
Cooldown: 45 seconds
30 seconds summon duration 70 80
Spell summonZombie Summon Zombie I Summons a pack of suicidal zombies that poison your foes. Version I Zombies upgrade their poison attack even further than before.
  • Player Cooldown: 30 seconds
  • Pet Cooldown: 120 seconds
42 seconds summon duration
75% chance to poison for 10 seconds
28 1
Spell summonZombie Summon Zombie II Summons a pack of suicidal zombies that poison your foes. Version II Zombies upgrade their poison attack even further than before.
  • Player Cooldown: 30 seconds
  • Pet Cooldown: 120 seconds
42 seconds summon duration
75% chance to poison for 10 seconds
46 16
Spell summonZombie Summon Zombies III Summons a pack of suicidal zombies that poison your foes. Version III Zombies upgrade their poison attack even further than before.
  • Player Cooldown: 30 seconds
  • Pet Cooldown: 120 seconds
42 seconds summon duration
75% chance to poison for 10 seconds
63 31
Spell summonZombie Summon Zombie IV Summons a pack of suicidal zombies that poison your foes. Version IV Zombies upgrade their poison attack even further than before.
  • Player Cooldown: 30 seconds
  • Pet Cooldown: 120 seconds
42 seconds summon duration
75% chance to poison for 10 seconds
81 46
Spell summonZombie Summon Zombies V Summons a pack of suicidal zombies that poison your foes. Version V Zombies upgrade their poison attack even further than before.
  • Player Cooldown: 30 seconds
  • Pet Cooldown: 120 seconds
42 seconds summon duration
75% chance to poison for 10 seconds
97 60
Spell summonZombie Summon Zombie VI Summons a pack of suicidal zombies that poison your foes. Version VI Zombies upgrade their poison attack even further than before.
  • Player Cooldown: 30 seconds
  • Pet Cooldown: 120 seconds
42 seconds summon duration
75% chance to poison for 10 seconds
116 76
Spell web Web Fires a sticky web missile, preventing any movement from its target.
Cooldown: 16 seconds
Movement speed reduced by 100% for 3 seconds 25 8

List of passive spell tomes[]

Icons Tome Description Effects Required
Spell adrenalinrush Adrenaline Rush I "Adrenaline Rush" You have a passive 15% chance on being struck to gain a burst of speed, granting you the ability to attack faster or escape safely. Once triggered Adrenaline Rush has a 10 second cooldown 10% faster movement speed for 4 seconds
+10% attack speed for 4 seconds
Spell adrenalinrush

Adrenaline Rush II "Adrenaline Burst"

You have a passive 15% chance on being struck to gain a burst of speed, granting you the ability to attack faster or escape safely. Once triggered Adrenaline Rush has a 10 second cooldown 15% faster movement speed for 4 seconds
+15% attack speed for 4 seconds
Spell adrenalinrush Adrenaline Rush III "Adrenaline Shock" You have a passive 15% chance on being struck to gain a burst of speed, granting you the ability to attack faster or escape safely. Once triggered Adrenaline Rush has a 10 second cooldown 20% faster movement speed for 4 seconds
+20% attack speed for 4 seconds
Spell adventuring Adventuring I Knowledge the improves the potency of potions, increases Experience and Fame gain, and reduces resurrection penalties. Only one Adventuring spell may be equipped at a time. 1% increase in amount of experience gained
1% increase in amount of fame gained
+8% potion effectiveness
Spell adventuring Adventuring II Knowledge the improves the potency of potions, increases Experience and Fame gain, and reduces resurrection penalties. Only one Adventuring spell may be equipped at a time. 2% increase in amount of experience gained
2% increase in amount of fame gained
+16% potion effectiveness
Spell adventuring Adventuring III Knowledge the improves the potency of potions, increases Experience and Fame gain, and reduces resurrection penalties. Only one Adventuring spell may be equipped at a time. 3% increase in amount of experience gained
3% increase in amount of fame gained
+24% potion effectiveness
Spell adventuring Adventuring IV Knowledge the improves the potency of potions, increases Experience and Fame gain, and reduces resurrection penalties. Only one Adventuring spell may be equipped at a time. 4% increase in amount of experience gained
4% increase in amount of fame gained
+32% potion effectiveness
Spell adventuring Adventuring V Knowledge the improves the potency of potions, increases Experience and Fame gain, and reduces resurrection penalties. Only one Adventuring spell may be equipped at a time. 5% increase in amount of experience gained
5% increase in amount of fame gained
+40% potion effectiveness
Spell adventuring Adventuring VI Knowledge the improves the potency of potions, increases Experience and Fame gain, and reduces resurrection penalties. Only one Adventuring spell may be equipped at a time. 6% increase in amount of experience gained
6% increase in amount of fame gained
+48% potion effectiveness
Spell animalHandling Animal Handling I Training that increases your pet and minion's power, and decreases the pet's town-travel time. Only one rank of Animal Handling may be equipped at a time. 4% pet and minion Damage
4% pet and minion Armor
8% decreased pet town travel time
Spell animalHandling Animal Handling II Training that increases your pet and minion's power, and decreases the pet's town-travel time. Only one rank of Animal Handling may be equipped at a time. 8% pet and minion Damage
8% pet and minion Armor
16% decreased pet town travel time
Spell animalHandling Animal Handling III Increases your pet and minion's power, and decreases the pet's town-travel time. Only one Pet Mastery spell may be equipped at a time. 12% pet and minion Damage
12% pet and minion Armor
24% decreased pet town travel time
Spell animalHandling Animal Handling IV Increases your pet and minion's power, and decreases the pet's town-travel time. Only one Pet Mastery spell may be equipped at a time. 16% pet and minion Damage
16% pet and minion Armor
32% decreased pet town travel time
Spell animalHandling Animal Handling V Increases your pet and minion's power, and decreases the pet's town-travel time. Only one Pet Mastery spell may be equipped at a time. 20% pet and minion Damage
20% pet and minion Armor
40% decreased pet town travel time
Spell animalHandling Animal Handling VI Increases your pet and minion's power, and decreases the pet's town-travel time. Only one Pet Mastery spell may be equipped at a time. 24% pet and minion Damage
24% pet and minion Armor
48% decreased pet town travel time
Spell arcaneTools Arcane Tools I Grants Mastery of Wands and Staves and grants reduced requirements for Rings and Amulets. Only one Arcane Tools spell may be equipped at a time. -1 to mage equipment requirements
+4% Wand and Staff Damage Bonus
Spell arcaneTools Arcane Tools II Grants Mastery of Wands and Staves and grants reduced requirements for Rings and Amulets. Only one Arcane Tools spell may be equipped at a time. -2 to mage equipment requirements
+8% Wand and Staff Damage Bonus
Spell arcaneTools Arcane Tools III Grants Mastery of Wands and Staves and grants reduced requirements for Rings and Amulets. Only one Arcane Tools spell may be equipped at a time. -3 to mage equipment requirements
+12% Wand and Staff Damage Bonus
Spell arcaneTools Arcane Tools IV Knowledge that increases the damage of Wands and Staves and reduces the requirements for Rings and Amulets. Only one rank of Arcane Tools may be equipped at a time. -4 to mage equipment requirements
+16% Wand and Staff Damage Bonus
Spell arcaneTools Arcane Tools V Grants Mastery of Wands and Staves and grants reduced requirements for Rings and Amulets. Only one Arcane Tools spell may be equipped at a time. -5 to mage equipment requirements
+20% Wand and Staff Damage Bonus
Spell arcaneTools Arcane Tools VI Grants Mastery of Wands and Staves and grants reduced requirements for Rings and Amulets. Only one Arcane Tools spell may be equipped at a time. -6 to mage equipment requirements
+24% Wand and Staff Damage Bonus
Spell armorExpertise Armor Expertise I Mastery of all forms of armor reduces requirements and improves armor absorption. Only one Armor Expertise spell may be equipped at a time. -1 to armor equipment requirements
+4% to physical Armor
Spell armorExpertise Armor Expertise II Mastery of all forms of armor reduces requirements and improves armor absorption. Only one Armor Expertise spell may be equipped at a time. -2 to armor equipment requirements
+8% to physical armor
Spell armorExpertise Armor Expertise III Mastery of all forms of armor reduces requirements and improves armor absorption. Only one Armor Expertise spell may be equipped at a time. -3 to armor equipment requirements
+12% to physical armor
Spell armorExpertise Armor Expertise IV Mastery of all forms of armor reduces requirements and improves armor absorption. Only one Armor Expertise spell may be equipped at a time. -4 to armor equipment requirements
+16% to physical armor
Spell armorExpertise Armor Expertise V Mastery of all forms of armor reduces requirements and improves armor absorption. Only one Armor Expertise spell may be equipped at a time. -5 to armor equipment requirements
+20% to physical armor
Spell armorExpertise Armor Expertise VI Mastery of all forms of armor reduces requirements and improves armor absorption. Only one Armor Expertise spell may be equipped at a time. -6 to armor equipment requirements
+24% to physical armor
Spell barter Barter I Reduces the purchase prices at Merchants, Enchanters, and Gamblers. Improves the sale prices of your own goods. Only one Barter spell may be equipped at a time. (Pets sent back to town to sell items WILL benefit from this spell.) 3% improvement in vendor prices 1
Spell barter Barter II Reduces the purchase prices at Merchants, Enchanters, and Gamblers. Improves the sale prices of your own goods. Only one Barter spell may be equipped at a time. (Pets sent back to town to sell items WILL benefit from this spell.) 6% improvement in vendor prices 16
Spell barter Barter III Reduces the purchase prices at Merchants, Enchanters, and Gamblers. Improves the sale prices of your own goods. Only one Barter spell may be equipped at a time. (Pets sent back to town to sell items WILL benefit from this spell.) 9% improvement in vendor prices 31
Spell barter Barter IV Reduces the purchase prices at Merchants, Enchanters, and Gamblers. Improves the sale prices of your own goods. Only one Barter spell may be equipped at a time. (Pets sent back to town to sell items WILL benefit from this spell.) 12% improvement in vendor prices 46
Spell barter Barter V Reduces the purchase prices at Merchants, Enchanters, and Gamblers. Improves the sale prices of your own goods. Only one Barter spell may be equipped at a time. (Pets sent back to town to sell items WILL benefit from this spell.) 15% improvement in vendor prices 60
Spell barter Barter VI Reduces the purchase prices at Merchants, Enchanters, and Gamblers. Improves the sale prices of your own goods. Only one Barter spell may be equipped at a time. (Pets sent back to town to sell items WILL benefit from this spell.) 18% improvement in vendor prices 76
Spell blocking Blocking I Increases the chance to block with a shield. Only one Blocking spell may be equipped at a time. 2% chance to Block 1
Spell blocking Blocking II Increases the chance to block with a shield. Only one Blocking spell may be equipped at a time. 4% chance to Block 16
Spell blocking Blocking III Increases the chance to block with a shield. Only one Blocking spell may be equipped at a time. 6% chance to Block 31
Spell blocking Blocking IV Increases the chance to block with a shield. Only one Blocking spell may be equipped at a time. 8% chance to Block 46
Spell blocking Blocking V Increases the chance to block with a shield. Only one Blocking spell may be equipped at a time. 10% chance to Block 60
Spell blocking Blocking VI Increases the chance to block with a shield. Only one Blocking spell may be equipped at a time. 12% chance to Block 76
Spell concentration Concentration I Concentration improves Mana recharge rate at all times. Only one Concentration spell may be equipped at a time. 1 Mana recovery 1
Spell concentration Concentration II Concentration improves Mana recharge rate at all times. Only one Concentration spell may be equipped at a time. 2 Mana recovery 16
Spell concentration Concentration III Concentration improves Mana recharge rate at all times. Only one Concentration spell may be equipped at a time. 3 Mana recovery 31
Spell concentration Concentration IV Concentration improves Mana recharge rate at all times. Only one Concentration spell may be equipped at a time. 4 Mana recovery 46
Spell concentration Concentration V Concentration improves Mana recharge rate at all times. Only one Concentration spell may be equipped at a time. 5 Mana recovery 60
Spell concentration Concentration VI Concentration improves Mana recharge rate at all times. Only one Concentration spell may be equipped at a time. 6 Mana recovery 76
Spell dualWielding Dual Wielding I Improves damage of all weapons when dual wielding. Only one Dual Wielding spell may be equipped at a time. 6% Damage bonus when Dual Wielding 1
Spell dualWielding Dual Wielding II Improves damage of all weapons when dual wielding. Only one Dual Wielding spell may be equipped at a time. 12% Damage bonus when Dual Wielding 16
Spell dualWielding Dual Wielding III Improves damage of all weapons when dual wielding. Only one Dual Wielding spell may be equipped at a time. 18% Damage bonus when Dual Wielding 31
Spell dualWielding Dual Wielding IV Improves damage of all weapons when dual wielding. Only one Dual Wielding spell may be equipped at a time. 24% Damage bonus when Dual Wielding 46
Spell dualWielding Dual Wielding V Improves damage of all weapons when dual wielding. Only one Dual Wielding spell may be equipped at a time. 30% Damage bonus when Dual Wielding 60
Spell dualWielding Dual Wielding VI Improves damage of all weapons when dual wielding. Only one Dual Wielding spell may be equipped at a time. 36% Damage bonus when Dual Wielding 76
Spell marksmanship Marksmanship I Grants increased damage to and reduces requirements of Bows, Crossbows, Pistols, and Rifles. Only one rank of Marksmanship may be equipped at a time. -1 to ranged equipment requirements
+4% Ranged Weapon Damage
Spell marksmanship Marksmanship II Grants increased damage to and reduces requirements of Bows, Crossbows, Pistols, and Rifles. Only one rank of Marksmanship may be equipped at a time. -2 to ranged equipment requirements
+8% Ranged Weapon Damage
Spell marksmanship Marksmanship III Grants increased damage to and reduces requirements of Bows, Crossbows, Pistols, and Rifles. Only one rank of Marksmanship may be equipped at a time. -3 to ranged equipment requirements
+12% Ranged Weapon Damage
Spell marksmanship Marksmanship IV Grants increased damage to and reduces requirements of Bows, Crossbows, Pistols, and Rifles. Only one rank of Marksmanship may be equipped at a time. -4 to ranged equipment requirements
+16% Ranged Weapon Damage
Spell marksmanship Marksmanship V Grants increased damage to and reduces requirements of Bows, Crossbows, Pistols, and Rifles. Only one rank of Marksmanship may be equipped at a time. -5 to ranged equipment requirements
+20% Ranged Weapon Damage
Spell marksmanship Marksmanship VI Grants increased damage to and reduces requirements of Bows, Crossbows, Pistols, and Rifles. Only one rank of Marksmanship may be equipped at a time. -6 to ranged equipment requirements
+24% Ranged Weapon Damage
Spell Treasurehunter Treasure Hunter I Increases the Chance to find Magic Items and Gold. Only one Treasure Hunter Spell may be equipped at a time. 2% Increase in the amount of Gold found
2% Increase in magic-finding Luck
Spell Treasurehunter Treasure Hunter II Increases the Chance to find Magic Items and Gold. Only one Treasure Hunter Spell may be equipped at a time. 5% Increase in the amount of Gold found
5% Increase in magic-finding Luck
Spell Treasurehunter Treasure Hunter III Increases the Chance to find Magic Items and Gold. Only one Treasure Hunter Spell may be equipped at a time. 8% Increase in the amount of Gold found
8% Increase in magic-finding Luck
Spell Treasurehunter Treasure Hunter IV Increases the Chance to find Magic Items and Gold. Only one Treasure Hunter Spell may be equipped at a time. 10% Increase in the amount of Gold found
10% Increase in magic-finding Luck
Spell Treasurehunter Treasure Hunter V Increases the Chance to find Magic Items and Gold. Only one Treasure Hunter Spell may be equipped at a time. 13% Increase in the amount of Gold found
13% Increase in magic-finding Luck
Spell Treasurehunter Treasure Hunter VI Increases the Chance to find Magic Items and Gold. Only one Treasure Hunter Spell may be equipped at a time. 15% Increase in the amount of Gold found
15% Increase in magic-finding Luck
Spell willpower Willpower I Provides a Resistance to Slowing and Immobilizing effects. 25% Slow Resistance
25% Immobilization Resistance.
Spell willpower WIllpower II Training that provides a resistance to slowing and immobiling effects. Only one rank of Willpower may be equipped at a time. 30% Slow Resistance
30% Immobilization Resistance.
Spell willpower Willpower III Training that provides a resistance to slowing and immobiling effects. Only one rank of Willpower may be equipped at a time. 35% Slow Resistance
35% Immobilization Resistance.
Spell willpower Willpower IV Training that provides a resistance to slowing and immobiling effects. Only one rank of Willpower may be equipped at a time. 40% Slow Resistance
40% Immobilization Resistance.
Spell willpower Willpower V Provides a Resistance to Slowing and Immobilizing effects. 45% Slow Resistance
45% Immobilization Resistance.
Spell willpower Willpower VI Training that provides a resistance to slowing and immobiling effects. Only one rank of Willpower may be equipped at a time. 50% Slow Resistance
50% Immobilization Resistance.
Spell weaponExpertise Weapons Expertise I Mastery of Claws, Swords, Axes, Maces, and Polearms. Only one Weapons Expertise Spell may be equipped at a time. -1 to Martial Equipment Requirements
+4% Melee Weapon Damage
Spell weaponExpertise Weapon Expertise II Training that increases the damage and reduces the requirements of Swords, Axes, Maces and Polearms. Only one Weapons Expertise Spell may be equipped at a time. -2 to Martial Equipment Requirements
+8% Melee Weapon Damage
Spell weaponExpertise Weapon Expertise III Training that increases the damage and reduces the requirements of Swords, Axes, Maces and Polearms. Only one Weapons Expertise Spell may be equipped at a time. -3 to Martial Equipment Requirements
+12% Melee Weapon Damage
Spell weaponExpertise Weapon Expertise IV Training that increases the damage and reduces the requirements of Swords, Axes, Maces and Polearms. Only one Weapons Expertise Spell may be equipped at a time. -4 to Martial Equipment Requirements
+16% Melee Weapon Damage
Spell weaponExpertise Weapon Expertise V Training that increases the damage and reduces the requirements of Swords, Axes, Maces and Polearms. Only one Weapons Expertise Spell may be equipped at a time. -5 to Martial Equipment Requirements
+20% Melee Weapon Damage
Spell weaponExpertise Weapon Expertise VI Training that increases the damage and reduces the requirements of Swords, Axes, Maces and Polearms. Only one Weapons Expertise Spell may be equipped at a time. -6 to Martial Equipment Requirements
+24% Melee Weapon Damage

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