Torchlight Wiki

Adrian89 Adrian89 8 December 2014

Let's change the "World"!

Hi boys & girls who play Torchlight and not just this game, my name Is Adrian and I come "far far away" to change something
What do I want to change? This Is a big question for me too, so let's start with what I want to say and what Is the answer, your answer will be like "what this guy wanna say?"
For now I want to add/update/edit/sort alphabetic Items (T1) for Torchlight when I got some time, so from the other side all I want to know Is to see how many people will really help in some cases like adding description to a section of the Torchlight Wikia or at least for those who dosen't know "what this button do" and wanna help elsewhere, like sending me screenshots of the Items and detailed window and I add It to the right section/category.

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